I’m Susan Alston-Richardson

I’m a Life Purpose Coach and Transformation Life Coach.

I’ve travelled the road of transformation and change many times in my life. As a retired dietitian, teacher, retreat center owner and facilitator, Life Purpose Coach and Transformation Life Coach I have stumbled, educated and reeducated myself, maintained a 50 pound weight loss, and discovered new and better ways to transform and change my life. I use these tools to help you discover and navigate your transformation journey.

I can help!

I can help you find and follow your new direction, get out of that rut, pursue that burning desire and embrace your new passion!

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Our World of Food CommUNITY: Sample CAMPANIA

A Taste of Our World of Food CommUNITY! 

I am offering you a peek at one of our month’s exploration offerings. This is the email delivery each member receives at the beginning of the month. It opens the door to the next country or region of the world we will explore that month.

We start with information about the country or region and conclude the email with recipes and additional tips. Then throughout the month we gather in many different ways, some in person and some online. We share insights about all kinds of things associated with the country or region from foods to culture to traditions. We do this in a positive inclusive way in CommUNITY with the emphasis on UNITY. We learn that there are many differences between us but also many similarities.

We laugh, have fun and enjoy. I hope this taste gives you a reason to join our CommUNITY at  
Our World of Food CommUNITY

Our World of Food CommUNITY

Our World of Food CommUNITY is a membership that focuses on creating CommUNITY with the emphasis on UNITY. We explore different countries and regions of the world. We learn about the people, culture and their history . We become a CommUNITY within the world CommUNITY sharing their food and food traditions and embracing the good that each place has to offer. We visit together,
try recipes, restaurants and markets. We have a fun time interacting and sharing our thoughts, reactions and ideas about other parts of the world. Food is the door that opens their world to ours as we create a fun and loving CommUNITY doing it!

Click the Learn More button to get more info about this fun CommUNITY membership!

12-Day Transformation

Enlighten. Enliven. Empower. Encourage.

Powerful words, aren't they? Transformational words.

Wouldn't you like to give yourself the gift of transformation?

Intrigued? Longing for change? Just click the "Learn More" button!

PAUSE Journal Experience

Do you spend your day in a flurry of activities? Have you added to your smorgasbord plate of “To Do’s” till it’s overflowing and you can’t ever seem to finish all that’s on your plate? Do you get so overwhelmed with activities that you can’t squeeze in a moment to just BREATHE? If your answer to any or all of these questions is “YES!” then this Pause Journal Experience can help you to… PAUSE, BREATHE, and RENEW.

Action Attitude

Attitude and Mindset go hand in hand. Attitude is the way you behave and act in a given situation or with other people. In general, it can be positive or negative. Mindset lets you be stuck (fixed) or move forward (growth) in your journey.

Beliefs Blueprint

Beliefs are ideas that you hold as being true. They are the foundation of your life. Your values, goals, actions, everyday pursuits are connected to your personal beliefs. They help you to understand and relate to the world around you.

Generate Your Game Plan

In areas like sports and board games, the coach or player always has a game plan. In your own transformation, what will be your game plan and what do you need to do to generate and execute that game plan?

New Year's Transformation Needs

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions about how to improve our lives. Many times our resolutions fade quickly as our New Year progresses. Why not start your New Year with a list of what you need for the New Year instead of your resolutions for the New Year?

Pause to Progress

Work to clear your mind and relieve your immediate stress.

Picture Your Purpose

Your purpose in life gives you reasons strive to move yourself and others in a positive direction, to influence behavior, give you goals and actions for your life, and give you meaning and direction in life.

Synergistic Strategies

Synergy is an outcome that combines two ideas or subjects together and the result is better than either subject alone could be. What does synergy look like in transformation? This activity will introduce you to possible synergistic pairings that could help you during your transformation.

Transformation Manifesto

A blank template for you to use to create a manifesto of your life purpose.

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